Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dear FutureMe,

Hey...I cant believe it has been a decade since your past self wrote this letter. It has been an amazing bumpy ride and trust me it is going to get AM-AZ-ING! 

These 10 years you have lived your life to the fullest. You have starred in a couple of movies that were major box office hits. 

When you were broke, you have even been a fortunate and envied gambler in a Las Vegas club and experienced the high life. 

You have met some not-so-desirable set of characters who would have put a knife in your back (for real) and eliminated you. You were lucky to escape.

You patched up with your estranged sister and promised never to let go of her again. So far you girls have made it through. Although there are times when you want to strangle her but she is the only person who has understood you. 

You broke your relationship with Dan, who was the best thing that happened to you. But good for you, you are more independent now and are living life on your terms.

You are single but you have an amazing career as an investigative journalist/travel writer. Your most precious possession is the Willys 1967 Model 4*4 Diesel Jeep that you bought with your own earnings. 

What you love the most about your jeep is, that you can hop on it within a moment's notice and takes you in the direction the wind blows. 

It is also probably the time to tell your professor that how much he meant to you, back in your post graduate days. He was the mentor that you had been looking for and had never found. It is because of him that you are a hard core newspaper journalist today. 

Its time to gather your guts and shoot him that mail saying how much you have missed his style of teaching and his classes. 

You do have an occasional lonely night here in the middle of the Chihuahuan desert, Mexico but it is nothing a bottle of Smirnoff and the path-breaking stories cannot solve. 

You feel empowered that you can see the changes that are taking place because of your stories. It is an intoxicating feeling in itself. 

You have so much more to achieve and the world is your oyster. The tiny nagging voice in your head that cribs about your imperfections will help you, I promise. It has always had our back and it always will.

Go forth and shine!


Past Me


rashmi said...

Speechless... Aheli

Tushar said...

Nice article. Please read my blogs also