Monday, May 5, 2008

Hello, everyone...this post is going to be a bit different from the others. To see how, read on:
Well, the first and foremost thing is this blog is going to be about this really great friend of mine who has some weird issues with life!! Imagine that! Anyways, this female has been going through a lotta shit since the last two months and is practically nearing an emotional breakdown!! Nope, sorry can't mention her name. Hell, she doesn't even know am writing this...She would kill me!!
The thing is, for the last one month she's lost. No, I don't mean, lost her way to the hostel and is lying in some jungle hungry and scared( like Hansel and Gretel)!! That would be too fairy-tale like!! Anyways, first she gave up something she liked; well she thought she liked and that was the beginning of her nemesis. Then her friends started dumping on her in the name of 'ragging' and having fun at her expense(crazy reason to take one's life, don't you think so!!) and one of them has been grilling her to make her realize her own true self; he did it for her good but now she's shocked at herself...She has thought about this a lot( she thinks a lot and no matter what the circumstance, that's one thing no-one can take away from her; apart from her self-respect) and she is really scared... of discovering herself!! She is paranoid that she will find herself to be no different from Them; the conformists!! I tell her that, no way is she gonna end up like them, you can't suddenly join the society after being an outcast for 15 years!! It's not humanely possible!! And she what do I receive after all my advice?? A tight punch and whole map of suicidal plans!! Imagine that. So, here I am, holding my bleeding nose and wounded dignity trying to figure out how to stop that chick from taking her own life!!
Someone, please call 911!!
Till now, I thought she had it all figured out about what sort of a woman she wanted to be; balanced and whole. But after these few days, its made me realize that nothing and I mean nothing ever works out the way we want it to... But I really don't think suicide is the answer. It just makes you think that the other person was not strong enough to handle life.
But what if the person has seen enough and cannot take it anymore?? Is suicide justifiable in that case??

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Guru-Sishya parampara

Well...forgive the old 'traditional' title but the title best describes my state of feeling. You have to read my post and not my title so anyways, here goes:
I was wondering about this whole aspect of teacher-student relationship. How it used to be and how it has changed over the years and stuff... So, I was analyzing and I reached this conclusion that, unfortunately students of today have minuscule respect for their teachers or rather this has been the case ever since everything was 'Americanized'.God! How I hate that term, but that's how it is!! Nowadays students in colleges especially have no idea where to draw the line! if there is something that burns me up, that is sources of knowledge being abused! Sources of knowledge also happen to include teachers....a fact, sadly, many of my peers ignore.
In the good old days, teachers were equal to God; a man or a woman who could do no wrong, and their duty solely consisted of imparting education to the shishya and at the end of their education(students), they were paid a dakshina; a fee as a sign of gratitude which could be either cash or kind or in some cases, thumbs! I am sure you all are familiar with the story of Eklavya and Dronacharya, wherein the former cut out his thumb and gifted it to Drona....
Nowadays, with the coming of globalisation and a second wave of information technology renaissance, teachers have lost their earlier position. Teachers are a mere formality now, in today's educational system, just clinging to a by-gone era. Teachers in schools and colleges are given subjects, which have no relevance to their degrees.
Coming back to teacher-student relationship, contrary to before, students think teachers are like some quality paid for goods; much like the way we assume, because we pay income tax, the roads should be constructed properly. Which is not a wrong thing to expect, but therein lies the difference. Just because you paid your college and school fees, doesn't mean you can take the authority for granted. There is a decorum to be maintained. What a teacher does in his personal life is his business; students DO NOT have the right to question his integrity.
In schools for instance, there are these teachers feedback form, with which students play dirty politics. When they vote a teacher as the "favorite teacher", it doesnt mean, he is liked by them, it just means he can be manipulated, such is the irony of life!
In these cases, sometimes I thank God that there are rural people to equalise this sin....the students in the rural areas are far far better human beings than their urban counterparts. Well, I believe in the cycle of karma. I believe that, the mistakes these students have made by ridiculing their gurus, will one day come back to them!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hey, it's me again!! Last time, we met I was all about how we should open our minds and discover new things! But you know, sometimes actually most of the time its not a bed of roses!! In fact its never a bed of roses... When we enter our teens we seem to have an idealistic view of the world outside; I know all of us at some point of time have dreamed of the perfect life; the perfect friends, the perfect school life, the perfect college life....blah, blah, blah!! But you know, its seldom like that. yes, I know you guys out there will say "Well thanks for telling us something all of us know", or something on those lines but you know no-one really accepts it. I mean, when I said open your minds, I just didn't mean that discover new things, I also meant take in the reality around us... The fact that NOTHING's EVER PERFECT!! But then, life is never perfect. Then it wouldn't be life! It would be heaven!!( BTW, parents may object to this... including my own; don't let them tell you any thing different!!) Times have changed...
ok, people who already knew this, great!! But the rest of the populace who were wearing the rose-tinted glasses, sorry to smash your illusions but you needed it...
What i am trying to say is people WAKE UP!!! Stop wishing for that ideal life. But you can get something similar. No, I don't mean, clone your lives.. That will be the height of stupidity, though I'll deal with that some other time!! I mean, we can make it happen. Though its tough to believe after that blizzard of negativity, i am sure we can do it. All we need is a little bit of hope. Theres this really cynical friend of mine, who believes hope, is just a waste of time and a refuge for fools(myself included!!) but i don't believe it. I think we can achieve anything with hope and patience( though that s a tornado struck area with me; as far as patience is concerned: patience and I have an ongoing family feud which won't burn out in years to come)
Anyways, getting back, I believe that we can make it happen!! Are you guys with me??
Oh yeah: Caution: objectionable content; to be kept away from parents; you see, I am doing it to save my ass. If tomorrow my writings become the cause of a family feud, I don't want to be boycotted!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

I am a student of Journalism and to tell the truth by nature, I am a really blunt person. I don't possess the art of softening my words unless it's under extreme pressure. So, lately I have realised that my field which is supposed to be a medium through which people are supposed to know the truth, doesn't work that way at all. Don't veterans understand that truth is after all THE TRUTH and that there is no alternative to it???? How can we blind people to hard facts and wrap them in cotton-wool??? How dare we do that?? How dare we snatch people's right to knowledge?? It's disgraceful!!

I hope my generation will buck up and stand up to the system which propogates lies, deceit and falsehood which people are used to...Please guys wake up ...

I know it sounds insane but please let's give it a shot!! We have nothing to lose( maybe except our jobs)... I know I can't survive under this policy of softening and moulding...

WAR: Just these three letters are enough to cause mayhem and panic amongst people. The dictionary defines war as:"the waging of armed conflict against an enemy". What I wish to know is on one hand there are "human beings" who define war in hateful words in dictionaries, is it possible that the other members of the same species go around killing each other??? Who has given these people the authority to take a human life??? This may make me sound preachy but what right do we have to take a life when we can't replace one?... Okay, leaving aside, the destruction of human life what about the resources and monetary wastage that takes wealth. Seeing the uneven distribution of wealth; not only in India but world over, how can the rich and the powerful allow this Godlessness to continue??? This is a typical Grade-school moral teacher question!! What do I mean-"how can they"? They already have done it and will continue doing it... theres no stopping them... Theres a line from Spiderman which has till date continued to fascinate me..." Freedom is equal to responsibility." Its so true... So, while the R&P are "free" to do what they like, they should also take care of the repercussions. I say "free" in inverted commas because I believe they are not completely free. they just think they are. To tell the truth, somewhere deep down all of us are scared; scared to be free... It sounds ridiculous but it is true. How can, you say we in this 20th century be scared? Colonialism and slavery are no longer there. But thats what we think. Freedom is not just not being suppressed physically or a nation ruling over another. Its about being free as a soul. Tht's where we make a mistake. Just because no external power is not ruling us doesn't mean we are completely free. We are ruled internally. We are still afraid to test our boundaries. Because unconsciously we still believe that the Earth is flat and if we keep walking we will fall off the face of earth. We need to give it a shot and test our boundaries... Be prepared though, its gonna hurt a lot... actually more like falling off a bicycle and if we remember correctly it didn't hurt more than 2 mins. We just need to grit our teeth and push forward.

So have fun!! People, happy discovery!!!