Friday, April 25, 2008

Hey, it's me again!! Last time, we met I was all about how we should open our minds and discover new things! But you know, sometimes actually most of the time its not a bed of roses!! In fact its never a bed of roses... When we enter our teens we seem to have an idealistic view of the world outside; I know all of us at some point of time have dreamed of the perfect life; the perfect friends, the perfect school life, the perfect college life....blah, blah, blah!! But you know, its seldom like that. yes, I know you guys out there will say "Well thanks for telling us something all of us know", or something on those lines but you know no-one really accepts it. I mean, when I said open your minds, I just didn't mean that discover new things, I also meant take in the reality around us... The fact that NOTHING's EVER PERFECT!! But then, life is never perfect. Then it wouldn't be life! It would be heaven!!( BTW, parents may object to this... including my own; don't let them tell you any thing different!!) Times have changed...
ok, people who already knew this, great!! But the rest of the populace who were wearing the rose-tinted glasses, sorry to smash your illusions but you needed it...
What i am trying to say is people WAKE UP!!! Stop wishing for that ideal life. But you can get something similar. No, I don't mean, clone your lives.. That will be the height of stupidity, though I'll deal with that some other time!! I mean, we can make it happen. Though its tough to believe after that blizzard of negativity, i am sure we can do it. All we need is a little bit of hope. Theres this really cynical friend of mine, who believes hope, is just a waste of time and a refuge for fools(myself included!!) but i don't believe it. I think we can achieve anything with hope and patience( though that s a tornado struck area with me; as far as patience is concerned: patience and I have an ongoing family feud which won't burn out in years to come)
Anyways, getting back, I believe that we can make it happen!! Are you guys with me??
Oh yeah: Caution: objectionable content; to be kept away from parents; you see, I am doing it to save my ass. If tomorrow my writings become the cause of a family feud, I don't want to be boycotted!!

1 comment:

journister said...

well who is this cynical friend may i ask? and well, i agree with it to some point but not totally. writing style pretty weak today compared to aheli standards.