Monday, February 15, 2010

India-my love

Hey am back again....after a very low key Valentine celebration in which I lit a couple of candles and remembered my beloved who passed away in 1980, gunned down by a homicidal maniac.
Anyway, today's post is about the bomb blasts which took place in Pune on Saturday, the 13th of february. You know, what they say, that you don't feel the impact until it hits you in a direct or an indirect way...I am not revealing any details but this blast has affected me at a very personal level. Also it has opened my eyes to some hard truths about my beloved country, which I had taken for granted all these years. And here the truth: The mother India we knew and loved till now doesn't really exist. It is, in reality, a castrated India; not a man, not a female. Once again our leaders have shown the depths of their impotency! The classic line I came across is: "talks won't be stalled in the face of the blasts" or something along these lines! I know, I am not the first person to scream out loud, saying stuff like "sarkar murdabad" and etc. but I know somewhere it is justified! I have always looked down upon people who took to streets screaming slogans, but now I realised the extent of frustration that pushed them over the edge.
You know, what is the most frustrating thing of all? Actually, there are millions of things but the first and the foresmost thing, is, how we as a nation react to these attacks! Just because we have been taught the art of Non-violence or otherwise known as plain cowardice(courtsey, me!) doesn't mean we still, follow these ideals. Violence can only be countered with violence. I am in no mood for reconciliation. Probably I am biased, but I can't be impartial while my country burns!!!!!
Secondly, a couple of months ago, one of the terrorist outfits (can't remember the God-forsaken name) released a clipping saying they'll attack Pune, Delhi or Kanpur and what did our God-fearing pious First Lady and her gang of imbeciles did? They didnt even share the video. The clipping which would probably saved few 50 people was conveniently discarded. i wonder why? Hmmm....probably the dates clashed with our Lady's jaagran dates and obviously, how could she miss that stupid jaagran, offered in the name of an entity, who let this happen in the first place!!!!! I am a convert- a recent believer, whose faith has been sorely tested...How and why can people in such situations, believe in their Protector? And for people like me, for whom, skepticism doesn't come too hard, God really needs to work on His First impression skills!
Thirdly, why? There are a million whys....why must we always be targetted, why should we writhe under this feeling of inadequacy of our leaders, why should we be humiliated time and again in the eyes of the rest of the world, why doesn't the US ever support us, though we make up the 70% of their work-force....and one 'would'. Would another country taken the same stand, as we have been taking since 1947?
pakistan and India should be blood brothers. We have been through the terror and trauma of colonialism and we know the pain of seperation. And its not like the citizens of Pakistan want this bloodshed. Indians who have been to Pakistan have come back with glowing reviews that it is a beautiful place and people are warm; and especially extremely cordial to Indians. Like this popular song from Veer-Zara, a movie that dealt with India-Pakistan relations, one line went, "Tere des ko maine dekha, tere des ko maine jaana....jaane kyun lagta hai, mujhko jaana, pehchana". Loosely translated, this mean, I saw your country, I know your country, why does it seem so familiar. Which was sung by the heroine who was from Pakistan. The message is so hard to miss..... and so beautiful
To conclude, I would say, its high time we changed our way of dealing with attacks. We should tell our opponents that India cannot be brought under the thumb of smaller countries. Force will be met with force and civil talks will happen; but our reaction will correspond to the way we feel as a nation; not whats convenient for the top imbeciles of our country! Are you with me, my India?

1 comment:

guyforchange said... its a well written piece but i disagree with the extremity the blogger reflected. its not that the 'inefficient' leaders deliberately get the country gunned down, but its a faulty foundation system that's been responsible for ages. its an unfortunate event and issues like these need to be resolved with tact rather than pointing fingers and throwing bombs back.